The Do's and Don'ts of Road Tripping around Morocco
Hello There 2nd 2020 Article !
Today, I'm coming to you with a short ( not so short though ) liste of helpfull things about Road Tripping around Morocco !
We do love these kind of articles don't we ?
In my years of Road Tripping around my country, I've come to learn some usefull informations, tricks, skills and many other things.
However, I had the Idea of writing this article on a whim and I'm not gonna lie, what you will read here, is not EVERYTHING I've learned in those 8+ years... I'm sure there are far more things I could share with you but couldn't think of at the moment !
This means there will eventually be another article about this sooner or later ^^ !
So, enough rambling ! Here are the Do's and Don'ts of taking a Road Trip around Morocco :
First, The Dont's :
1. Don't Eat the food you are used to !
If you are travelling to another city ( or another country ) you must experience it all ! the food, the local culture, the language maybe... and for your trip and experience to be a 100% authentic, successfull and unforgettable, you must go out of your comfort zone. Taste the local food and don't just go to a regular restaurant and order french fries or a burger !
2. Don't buy souvenirs like a tourist !
If you're like me and you love collecting keepsakes from every place you go to, avoid buying regular souvenirs like a tourist would and go for a little hand made thingy from a local or the beautiful little clay tajines or figurines refering to the place you're in, from the old man on the souk.
3. Don't plan a one day per city trips !
Don't do it even if you think " Oh there is nothing really interesting in or about this city... "
Believe me, you'll end up not enjoying the city nor seeing what's worth seeing.
I did this once back in 2015 when I planned our South Morocco Road Trip and booked just one night in Essaouira and ended up regretting it badly, as one day wasn't enough to discover this stunning city !
4. Don't use the GPS it takes away all the fun of a road trip !
I myself have done it against my husband's wishes and it really does take away all the fun. As for our most memorable Road Trips were the ones where we got lost on the way to our destination and ended up taking roads less taken and seeing some beautiful beautiful sceneries because of ( or thanks to ? ) not using the GPS !
5. Don't eat at touristic places in Agadir city !
I'm sorry for having to say that and for all my fellow Agadir Followers/Readers.. but they will rip you off and charge you with the air you breath !
We had the worst experience back in Agadir when we decided to go eat at the port and got surprised by the prices and also the fact that they were putting things on our table like olives, breath, little moroccan salades that we didn't ask for but paid ( with a really high price too ) at the end.
And that was our introduction to the city for later we got even more surprises during our stay..
6. Don't hesitate to ask the locals for orientation !
Ok I'll say it.. Even in Rabat ! It's a way to interact with the locals, learn more about the place you're in thanks to them and even make new friends on the way !
This happened to us twice. Once in Mirleft when we were looking for a certain beach, and stopped to ask a young man that we ended up giving a ride to and learning more about the village, the most interesting places to see or to eat at and having a lovely chat along the way. And the seconde time was in some village near Tahennaout where we picked up an old old lady and gave her a ride too. She was so nice for talking to us about the region
7. Don't always require guides or guided tours !
It's almost always a scam !
I have done it before and only had the luck of getting a really great guide once. The rest is as I said, a scam. Either it's just someone doing the " guide's " job without any added interesting informations, or someone who will charge you 500 MAD /15 minutes !
8. Don't take the highway everytime !
The national roads got some pretty stunning views. It's sure isn't as fast but it's worth it. Especially Taza's one ! As I like to call it, it's the deadliest we've ever drove on as it is the most dangerous and complicated, but worth it ! So I suggest you take it the next time if you want some adrenaline ( but with reasonableness ! )
The Do's :
9. Do stop at roadside sites !
Wether it's to breath the fresh air or to buy a litle souvenir from an old man/woman selling anything and everything, or to fill your eyes and your soul with the scenery or the peacefull sound of no background noise. Remember, it's about the journey not the destination !
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First Apperance of Yanissou on my Blog ^^ ! ( Except the pictures where he was in my belly <3 )
10. Do eat Tajines wherever you go in Morocco !
It's a sure bet each time. But I'll be honest.. the south ones are my faaaaavorites !
I urge you to go to Ouirgane, Ouarzazate, Lalla Takerkoust, Le Flouka in Amizmiz ( and so many others ) and eat their Tajines !
11. Do Travel more in the off-season !
It's cheaper and more pleasant since there are no crowds in every place you step foot in. Also, the sceneries look so much more beautiful in spring & Autumn.
12. Do use sites like or others !
Mainly to see what the Riad/Hotel/Guest house looks like, but call the establishments directly for the prices ( as they are a little more cheaper ).
13. Do always have some cash on you if you're going off-road !
You may need it for whatever reasons because there are no ATM's in most of the villages.
It happend to us once but not because there wasn't no ATM, it was summer at Oualidia and there was only 2 ATM's ( how many more times am I going to use this word ? ) and all the money in them was withdrawn in two days so we were left with a 150dhs to spend for more than 3 days !
14. Do take a car you trust !
This is a must. Checking your car before hitting the road can spare you some unnecessary troubles I always say it. But if you are planning on renting a car, do a double check when you get it !
15. Do Road Trip by night at least once in your life !
It has always been safe for us since 2012 and all around Morocoo ! So do it whenever you want/can it's a magical experience and a beautiful cozy one to live and remember.
16. Dress however you want ! ( for girls )
Believing that the locals will do or say anything hostile is completely a myth !
In all these years I've been travelling around Morocco, never once was I bothered by someone somewhere when wearing a tight dress or a short skirt or even only a swimsuit for clothes in a village ! This problem belongs to Casablanca only I guess!
17. Bargain like a Moroccan !
I guess now everyone knows that everything you buy can buy it cheaper than the price first annouced for it ! So don't hezitate to bargain like Moroccans loves to do to save yourself some extra dirhams !
And that would be all for now !
Hope this will be usefull to you guys. Don't forget to leave a comment and maybe share some of your own experiences with me !
xo, Moroccan Road Tripper
I am very Glad to see your informational Article about that, which once i love to discuss! Most tour operators to morocco are willing to plan a trip no matter where you want to go. However, some specialize in certain areas of the world or certain types of trips.